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International research-and-practice Conference

 «Key directions in the development of science and education within a state framework of the formation of technological sovereignty»

August 08-09, 2024


August 08, 2024
Location of the event: Congress Hall, 6th floor

Opening of the conference
09:00 — 10:00


10:00 — 10:20

Welcome speech by the rector of DSTU Meskhi Besarion Chokhoevich

10:20 — 11:30

Welcome speeches by the honored guests

Guskov Igor Alexandovich – First Deputy Governor of the Rostov region

Vasilyeva Olga Yuryevna – President of the Russian Academy of Education

Metreveli Roin Viktorovich – President of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences

Getta Anton Alexandrovich – Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Zinchenko Yuri Petrovich – President of the Russian Psychological Society, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University

Yakubu Aboki Ochefu – Secretary General of the Committee of Vice-Chancellors of Nigerian Universities

Sorokoumova Svetlana Nikolaevna – Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Special Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission

Stroev Vladimir Vitalievich – Rector of the State University of Management

Skripkina Tatyana Petrovna – Member of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on Pedagogy and Psychology, Professor

Lyapuntsova Elena Vyacheslavovna – Professor of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Coordinating Council of the interregional public organization ‘League of Higher School Teachers’

Alikulov Bourkhan Abdikhashimovich – Consul General of the Republic Uzbekistan in Rostov-on-Don

Konovalov Ivan Alexandrovich – Deputy Director of the Center for Research and Development ‘Youth Aggression and its Prevention’, Researcher at the Laboratory of Psychology of Destructive Behavior and Aggression of Youth of the National Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Abderrazzak El Hamraoui – Head of the Strategic Research Department of the Ministry of Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water Supply of the Kingdom of Morocco

11:30 — 12:00

Coffee break

12:00 — 12:20

Efremenko Innessa Nikolaevna – Vice-rector for Research and Innovation of DSTU

Priority areas of research and innovation at Don State Technical University aimed at RF technological sovereignty ensuring

12:20 — 13:00

Welcome speeches by the honored guests

Abdyrakhmanov Tolobek Abylovich – Rector of the Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn (Kyrgyzstan), Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic

Qiao Junfei – Vice Chairman of the Party Committee of Beijing University of Technology (letter). The Letter is delivered by the Vice-rector for International and Academic Affairs Beskopylnyy A.N

Turdialiev Umid Mukhtaralievich – Rector of the Andijan Machine-building Institute (Uzbekistan)

Le Quan, Rector of Hanoi University of Architecture (letter). The Letter is delivered by the Vice-rector for International and Academic Affairs Beskopylnyy A.N

Zaitsev Aivars Andrisovich – Head of the North Caucasian Branch of the Section of Applied Problems under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Turabjanov Sadritdin Mahamatdinovich – Rector of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov

Gufan Konstantin Yurievich – Deputy Director for Scientific Work at FGANU NII 'Spetsvuzavtomatika'

13:00 — 14:00


14:00 — 14:20

Ermakov Pavel Nikolaevich

Psychological and pedagogical support for the training of engineering and pedagogical personnel within a state framework of technological sovereignty


14:20 — 14:40

Matishov Gennadii Grigorievich

Issues of fisheries and technical means of aquaculture


14:40 — 15:00

Ermakov Alexey Mikhailovich

Innovations in veterinary education: how internship training will change our lives

15:00 — 15:20

Borisenkov Vladimir Panteleimonovich

The relationship between education and culture as a factor in improving the quality of higher education in Russia

15:30 —

Plenary session wrap-up

August 09, 2024

Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6

Methodology of psychological and pedagogical support for the training of engineering and teaching staff in terms of technological sovereignty
Location of the event: Congress Hall, 5th floor
Connection link

10:00 — 10:45

Bayer E.A.

The joint project of the Don State Technical University and the Russian Academy of Education ‘Organization of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process for university students being in special living conditions’


10:45 — 11:30

Pozharskaya E.N.

A joint project of the Don State Technical University and the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Rostov region 'Psychosocial support of university students by means of IT’

11:30 — 11:45

Gukalenko O.V.

Education of a patriotic and socially responsible personality as a strategic goal of strengthening the ideological sovereignty of the country

11:45 — 12:10

Coffee break

12:10 — 12:25

Sorokoumova S. N.

Specifics of mountain-altitude training of military personnel

12:25 — 12:40

Skripkina T. P.

Legitimization of aggression among military personnel

12:40 — 12:10

Konovalov I.A.

Pedagogical social perception of youth aggression


12:55 —

Session wrap-up

Poster presentations

1. Abakumova I.V., Godunov M.V.

Semantic genesis and goal-setting in the training of engineering and pedagogical personnel in a transitive society


2. Avakov S.I.

Mentoring as an effective form of development of educational and technological sovereignty


3. Aivazova E.S.

Theoretical foundations of psychological and pedagogical support of subjects of education


4. Alasaad Dalin

Teaching students to use artificial intelligence applications in elementary school


5. Bayer E.A.

Development of professional resilience as an immanent component of an individual's innovative potential in the configuration of a modern educational space


6. Byelovitskaya S.I.

Training of future primary school teachers as an innovative and technological interaction between the school and the university


7. Belousova A.K.

Psychological readiness to apply innovations in an engineering university


8. Berdnikova N.A., Abashina N.N., Dudnikova S.A.

The use of project technologies in the process of training speech therapists


9. Burakova E.G.

Youth public organizations in the engineering university as a form of expressing the professional maturity


10. Volodina I.S.

Dealing with undesirable behavior of students with ASD in the context of professional development of specialists


11. Getaova N.R.

Forming the university technological entrepreneurship ecosystem as a factor developing students’ entrepreneurial competencies


12. Glazyrina O.V.

Formation of professional competence of future teachers at a technical university in the conditions of the unified educational space of the Russian Federation


13. Gorbatkova O.I.

Digital technologies in education as a factor in the formation of technological sovereignty in modern Russia


14. Dautov D.F.

Dynamic features of positive and negative feedback loops in network thinking aimed at solving intellectual problems

15. Denisova E.G., Gosteva A.O.

Psychological well-being of participants in the educational process


16. Ye Ming

Military museum in the system of professional training of specialists


17. Zaluzhnaya M.V.

Professional self-determination in modern digital reality


18. Klimkina E.A.

Socialization of children with disabilities in a folklore ensemble


19. Klimkina E.A., Bocharova E.V.

Using the sensory integration method in the work of a speech therapist with young children


20. Korchalovskaya N.V.

Theatrical pedagogy in correctional and developmental work with children with disabilities


21. Kryazhkova E.V.

Intellectual creativity as a way to develop the talent of youth


22. Maevskaya I.M.

Psychological and pedagogical tools for the formation of professional competencies for the training of highly qualified engineers of the new generation


23. Manokhina N.N.

Formation of social interaction skills among students with disabilities in the system of secondary vocational education


24. Marchenko G.V.

Axiological approach in engineering and technical education


25. Matveeva O.A.

The role of education in the implementation of the conceptual foundations of technological sovereignty of Russia


26. Ostapenko A.V.

Model of psychological and pedagogical support for students of DSTU engineering and pedagogical specialties who are in special living conditions


27. Petrenko E.A.

Psychological features of the remote form of work of university teachers


28. Skuratovskaya M.L.

Barriers of social interaction in conditions of higher inclusive education


29. Stepchuk V.O.

Competence-based approach in the system of engineering and technical education


30. Suroedova E.A.

The influence of the emotional and evaluative component in the process of translating meanings on students' decision-making in a problematic situation


31. Sych O.V.

The principle of obtaining IT education as a form of initial professional orientation by means of additional education


32. Tushnova Yu.A.

Subjective assessment of distance learning elements in the training of engineering and teaching staff


33. Fedotova O.D., Latun V.V.

Formation and development of engineering pedagogy in the postmodern era


Hao Zhang

Teaching Chinese students the scientific style of speech when learning Russian at a technical university

Horonko L.Ya.

New vectors of development of Russian education


Zhao Ling Na

Formation of value orientations of Chinese youth in the system of technical education


“Green” technologies implementation in energy and construction: methodological basis, educational and research solutions
Location of the event: Tochka kipeniya, room 17
Connection link

10:00 — 10:15

Sheina S.G., Fedorovskaya A.A.

Methodological foundations for determining priority territories for the placement of renewable energy sources (on the example of the Rostov region)


10:15 — 10:30

Kotelenko R. V., Muzychenko N. N. (Vietnam)

Rheocore's six-year experience in the development and implementation of green (CO2 reduction up to 60%), cost-effective (100 MPa at 40 MPa), low-cement (3 kg/MPa), high-strength (80-200 MPa), self-compacting and GFRC concretes in production facilities in Vietnam, Thailand, Russia; development of our own equipment for concrete (mixers, guns).


10:30 — 10:40

Li Jin (China)

Key technology of precast prestressed concrete slab pavement


10:40 — 10:50

ElhAmraoui Abderrazzak (Morocco)

Energy efficient and energy-saving solutions in the North African region

10:50 — 11:00

Dương Thanh Qui (Vietnam)

Utilization of fly and bottom ashes as aggregates in the manufacturing of concrete


11:00 — 11:10

Dubinov Yu.S.

A method for producing a 3D printing filament from recycled PET plastic and managing the properties of the finished product

11:10 — 11:25

Polskoy P.P.

Innovative methods of strengthening building structures using domestic composite materials and technologies


11:25 — 11:35

Kalaicheva E.S.

The introduction of energy-efficient technologies in the design of educational institutions (using the example of a school assessment using the GREEN ZOOM system)


11:35 — 11:50

Coffee break

11:50 — 12:00

Maevskaya I.M.

Methodological foundations for “green competencies” of a future engineer of a new generation.

12:00 — 12:10

Atajonova S.B.

Solving the problems of engineering education based on digitalization and innovative ideas


12:10 — 12:20

Lukianov A.D., Donskoy D.Yu., Maevskaya I.M., Khristoforova A.A.

The use of gamified educational solutions and technologies in the implementation of master's degree programs focused on the introduction of "green" technologies.


12:20 — 12:30

Groshev A.E., Yurov A.A., Kerme M.A.

Practice-oriented education on the example of design of gravity storage power plants of Rostov region as optimization of power supply


12:30 — 12:40

Gvindzhilia V.E., Lukyanov A.D.

Advantages and disadvantages of the SNO system in attracting students to scientific work in the field of "green" energy


12:40 — 12:50

Al-Tibbi V.Kh., Pozdnyakov A.G., Erylkin V.A.

Methods for increasing the motivation of students to carry out R&D in the interests of enterprises in the real sector of the economy


12:50 — 13:00

Gubanova A.A., Vernesi M.A., Boldyrev A.V.

The role of full-scale prototyping of microcontroller control systems in the formation of ‘green’ professional competencies of undergraduate students.


13:00 —

Session wrap-up

Methodological approaches to the agro biotechnologies implementation in the terms of innovative development
Location of the event: Congress Hall, 6th floor
Connection link

10:00 — 10:05

Welcome speech

10:05 — 10:10

Rudoy D.V.

The Innovative technology for differential harvesting and processing the spiked cereals into the high-value feed additives


10:10 — 10:15

Liong M.T.

Intestines and brain: prospects for the development of the intestinal microbiota


10:15 — 10:20

Chikindas M.L.

Bacteriocins: a century of research and their application in food and animal health


10:20 — 10:25

Kambulov S.I.

The influence of the moisture and temperature regime of the soil on the productivity of agricultural crops


10:25 — 10:30

Panfilov I.A.

Computational modeling the spread of viral particles inside the passenger transport


10:30 — 10:35

Kravchenko L.V., Koltsov A.F., Koltsova A.V., Laptev V.Ya.

Studying the process of grain heap cleaning in a horizontal channel with vertical air flow


10:35 — 10:40

Tupolskikh T.I., Ponomar E.Yu., Lodianov V.V.

Advancement of food industry due to fostering the biotechnology science in education


10:40 — 10:45

Babajanyan A.S.

Studying the process of extruding the feeds with adding the alternative source proteins 10:40-10:45


10:45 — 10:50

Savenkov D.N., Shcherbakov A.A..

Evaluating the operational resistance of the harvester reverse light switches to the impact of environmental climatic conditions


10:50 — 10:55

Fisunova E.I., Lavrenova T.V., Kuzin G.A.

Digital modeling the basic technological operation of threshing


10:55 — 11:00

Khizhnyakova N.L., Tkacheva I.V., Kokhanov Yu., Sanadze M.S., Ponomareva E.N.

Methods of biotesting safety and environmental friendliness of artificial aquatic environment in the developing technology


11:00 — 11:05

Fominov E.V., Lavrenova T.V., Kurochkina V.A., Druzhinina D.M.

Prospects for using the environmentally acceptable lubricants in agricultural machinery friction assemblies


11:05 — 11:10

Tkacheva I.V., Ponomareva E.N., Bayduk E.A., Yarontovsky V.E., Nedina N.D.

Use of complex microbial preparations in agricultural practices


11:10 — 11:15

Kravchenko L.V., Koltsov A.F., Koltsova A.V., Laptev V.Ya.

Electronic control system for the “Effecta-7.2 m” and “Effecta-9.6 m” stripping reapers

11:15 — 11:20

Khetsuriani E.D., Tkacheva I.V., Ponomareva E.N., Shevchenko V.N.

Study of the flocculation process in the artificial aquatic ecosystems


11:20 — 11:25

Chebotarev D.A., Naumov I.I.

Development and research of the effectiveness of using an automated aquaponic system for home cultivation of microgreens


11:25 — 11:30

Gvindzhiliya V.E., Fominov E.V., Fisunova E.I., Lavrenova T.V.

The systems of vibration monitoring of the agricultural machinery condition


11:30 — 12:00

Coffee break

12:00 — 12:05

Ermolin A.Yu., Kravchenko L.V.

The specifics of the functioning of the entrance part of a combine harvester with an axial threshing and separation scheme


12:05 — 12:10

Marchenko S.A., Odabashyan M.Y.

Application of neural network monitoring tools for recognizing the state of crops


12:10 — 12:15

Nedina N.D., Pavlova D.A., Telonitskaya A.S.

An integrated approach to biotesting the aquatic environment


12:15 — 12:20

Kovalchuk D.Yu., Odabashyan M.Yu.

Reproduction and cultivation of tilapia in the USSR


12:20 — 12:25

Dubnitskaya P.A., Odabashyan M.Y.

Application of modern innovative technologies in agriculture: the future of the agro-industrial complex


12:25 — 12:30

Romanov M.M., Odabashyan M.Y.

Increasing and optimizing the profile cross-country capability of agricultural trucks


12:30 — 12:35

Bolgova D.V., Sergienko M.D., Bobrov R.V.

Development of carbon dioxide sequestration methods in artificial ecosystems


12:35 — 12:40

Druzhinina D.M., Fominov E.V.

Green areas in the planning structure of the city


12:40 — 12:50

Session wrap-up

New solutions in bioengineering, veterinary medicine, biotechnology as a result of the integrative approaches and methods in science and education
Location of the event: Room 8-552
Connection link

10:00 — 10:20

Zelenkova G.A.

Prospects of application of polyamines in poultry farming


10:20 — 10:40

Zelenkov A.P.

Control of mallard duck welfare in conditions of game breeding by means of artificial intelligence technology


10:40 — 11:00

Kirichenko E.Yu.

3D bio printing of artificial cellular meat product


11:00 — 11:20

Golovin S.N.

Creation of a veterinary drug based on the bacteriophages


11:20 — 11:40

Coffee break

12:20 — 12:40

Sereda M.M.

New directions in microclonal propagation of plants under in vitro conditions


12:00 — 12:20

Timoshek I.N.

Designing federal requirements for the conditions of implementation, as well as the content of the preparation of experimental educational programs of higher education - internship programs based on the Activity-oriented methodology of DSTU


12:20 — 12:40

Lukbanova E.A.

The unique properties of molluscan mucin to reveal new opportunities in treatment of a number of diseases


12:40 —

Session wrap-up

Development of human and technological capital in the field of mechanical engineering by means of the innovative methodologies, models and practices
Location of the event: Room 8–433
Connection link

10:00 — 10:10

Tamarkin M.A., Tishchenko E.E., Tishchenko R.G., Stroev V.Yu,

Investigation of dynamics of medium motion at vibration machining of parts


10:10 — 10:20

Chigirinsky Y.L., Chigirinskaya N.V.,

Methodological Aspects of Dual Qualification Engineering Personnel Training for Mechanical Engineering


10:20 — 10:30

Lebedev V.A., Vernigorov Yu. M.

Technological possibilities of application of rotating electromagnetic field in metalworking production


10:30 — 10:40

Makarov V.F., Pesin M.V., Norin A.O.

Peculiarities of application of CNC multi-axis grinding machines for increasing the accuracy of machining of gas turbine engine parts


10:40 — 10:50

Egorov M.S., Egorov A.M.

Formation of structure and properties of powder materials with additives of ultradisperse nickel oxide using additional hot treatment


10:50 — 11:00

Pustovoit V.N., Dolgachev Yu.

Formation of pearlite of abnormal morphology in sintered powder steels


11:00 — 11:15

Fominov E.V., Shuchev K.G., Gvindzhiliya E.V., Marchenko A.A., Gladkikh D.I.

Temperature dependence of the front lathe tool surface on evolutionary changes in the cutting system


11:15 — 11:30

Velegzhanin O. E.

Staffing of machine-building enterprises, adaptation and consolidation of workers in the industry


11:30 — 11:50

Coffee break

11:50 — 12:00

Neskoromny S.V., Strizhakov E.L.

Superposed processes of processing the materials by pulsed electrical discharge


12:00 — 12:10

Shishkarev M.P., Gavrilenko M.D.

Conditions for high operating accuracy of an adaptive friction coupling with positive-negative feedback


12:10 — 12:20

Egorov M.S., Egorova R.V.

The structure and properties of sintered powder materials of severstal company


12:20 — 12:30

Zhuravlev A.V., Zimina N.V.

Managing the steel flow in a crystallizer of a bloom continuous casting machine


12:30 — 12:40

Lebedev V.A., Aliev M.M., Fominov E.V., Moiseev D.V.

New superhard plates made of cutting ceramics for equipping the tools and their application


12:40 — 12:50

Kirichek A.V., Barinov S.V., Yashin A.V., Zhidkov M.E.

Improvement of operational properties by strain wave hardening


12:50 — 13:00

Torop Yu.A., Kuvshinov M.M.

Evaluation of the ultrasonic impact on the efficiency of hole calibration by surface plastic deformation


13:00 — 13:10

Varukha Е.N.

Computational model of electrode burning-off during the pulsed arc welding


13:10 —

Session wrap-up

— 13:30

Poster presentations

1. Butenko V.I., Azarova A.I.

Modeling the process of forming a surface roughness profile during vibratory finishing


2. Kolganova E.N., Nguyen Van Tho, Krupenya E.Y., Shishkina A.P.

Designing the technology for vibratory finishing of radio electronic equipment parts


3. Lebedev V.A., Chaava M.M., Pastukhov F.A.

Мирошниченко И.П.

Vibration mechanical and chemical cleaning the detail parts from operational contamination of automobile-repair facilities


4. Miroshnichenko I.P.

Creation, use and prospects for development of an optical measuring complex for diagnosing the state of materials and products


5. Miroshnichenko I.P

Scientific and methodological apparatus and software for modeling processes of diagnosing the state of layered composite materials


6. Assaulenko S.S., Lyudmirskiy Yu.G., Neskoromnyi S.V.

Thickening and simultaneous edge preparation of pup joints for their welding into the pipelines


7. Boldyrev A.A., Boldyrev A.I., Padurets A.A., Pechagin A.P.

Multi-section cathode control system for dimensional electrochemical processing of surfaces of large-sized parts at small interelectrode gaps


8. Puchkin V.N. Moiseev D.V., Aliev M.M.

Investigation of the effect of adding the chemical elements nickel, silicon, cobalt on the thermodynamic properties of plates made of cutting ceramics


9. Shulga G.I., Chernikov N.S., Skrinnikov E.V., Kolesnichenko A.O.

Investigation of tribotechnical properties of technological water-soluble topocomposite


10. Koval N.S., Kotenko O.N.

Modeling of workability of electromechanical sensors in conditions of vibration impact


Technological sovereignty in the field of information technology: new educational methodologies and scientific attitudes
Location of the event: Tochka kipeniya, room 49
Connection link

10:00 — 10:15

Levin I.I.

Intelligent multiprocessor systems: experience in creation and application


10:15 — 10:25

Sukhinov A.I.

Modern methods of forecasting of technogenic and natural systems using artificial intelligence


10:25 — 10:35

Lyapin A.A., Joy Wang, Jang Linji

On training of bachelors in the program ‘Computer Science and Technology’ at the Don Institute of STU-DSTU


10:35 — 10:45

Sobol B.V., Vasiliev P.V.

Application of artificial intelligence in tasks of monitoring and assessment of technical condition of building structures and their elements


10:45 — 11:00

Zaitsev A.A., Tseligorov N.A.

Graphical representation of areas of robust absolute stability of the control system of a marine mobile object


11:00 — 11:15

Polovinko A.Yu., Martynov E.A.

Баль С.В., Шухардин О.Н.

Digital sovereignty in the field of information protection on the example of critical information infrastructure


11:15 — 11:30

Panasenko N. D., Sukhanov A.I.

Mathematical modeling for predicting the state of coastal systems based on satellite images


11:30 — 11:50

Coffee break

11:50 — 12:05

Gufan K.Yu.

Experience of interaction between universities and industry companies in the field of training for the IT-industry of the future


12:05 — 12:20

Perminov V.S.

Cyberpolygon as a key tool for practice-oriented learning


12:20 — 12:35

Malyshev I.N., Tishchenko A.V.

Modern cyberthreats and methods of countering them


12:35 — 12:50

Sklyarenko A.A., Prochukhan A.D., Dolgov V.V.

Features of recognition of handwritten highly specialized languages on the example of C++ program code


12:50 — 13:00

Babushkina N.E., Lyapin A.A.

Comparative analysis of the application of various types of neural networks to the recognition of one-dimensional signals


13:00 — 13:15

Atayan A. M.

Application of the Azov3D software package in the educational process in the study of biogeochemical cycles on the example of the Sea of Azov


13:00 — 13:15

Atayan A. M.

Application of the Azov3D software package in the educational process in the study of biogeochemical cycles on the example of the Sea of Azov


13:15 —

Session wrap-up

Closing plenary meeting
Location of the event: Congress Hall, 6th floor

14:00 — 14:20

Speech by Alexey Nikolaevich Beskopylnyy, Vice-Rector for Academic and International Affairs of DSTU

14:10 — 14:20

Summing up the results of the conference

Pavel Nikolaevich Ermakov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy Of Sciences, First Vice-President of the Russian Psychological Society

14:20 — 14:30

Speech by the Director of the Don Institute of STU-DSTU Lu Chunguan

14:30 — 14:40

Speech by the Rector of DSTU Besarion Chokhoevich Meskhi

14:40 — 15:00

Signing the Cooperation Agreement between Don State Technical University and Bauchi State University (Federal Republic of Nigeria).

Signed by the Rector of DSTU Besarion Chokhoevich Meskhi and the Rector of Bauchi State University, Ms. Fatimah Ja’afar Tahir

15:00 —

Conference closing ceremony


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